Welcome To
Ferndale Alliance Church
You are invited and welcome any Sunday, 10:00 AM
We are easy to find at the corner of Church and Thornton Roads in NW Ferndale.
Regarding COVID-19 caution: we urge each attender to exercise best practices, grace, thoughtfulness, and courtesy to all when attending any FAC activity.
Sunday Schedule:
- 9:30-9:55 AM: Quiet prayer time for any and all in sanctuary
- 10:00 Worship & Children’s Church [over around 11:15 AM]
- Teen Youth Group each Sunday evening (High School and Middle School): Contact Pastor Richard Finch
- Midweek youth, teen, adult, men and women’s Bible studies [contact the church, below]
- Safe and quality nursery care throughout the morning
Church office:
(360) 384-4279
[email protected]
Mail to: PO Box 1843
Ferndale, WA 98248
About Us

Ferndale Alliance is a family-friendly, Christ-centered church that explores God’s Word (the Bible) and expresses our worship in a positive, upbeat, and contemporary style. (And yes, we still do the great old hymns!).

Although our church building is over 110 years old (it was once named the First Swedish Baptist Church of West Ferndale and later Bakerview Baptist), FAC actually began in 1987 when 2 families (who were part of the Northwood Alliance Church in Blaine) felt God wanted a similar congregation in Ferndale. The first service began on September 11, 1988 under the leadership of Pastor Jon Mutchler and his wife Diane.
The folks here at FAC are families you likely know from our community. They come from different walks of life and come in all shapes and sizes. Some have been Christians “all their lives.” Others have just begun their journey with God. And still others here are exploring and learning before they jump in with both feet. So, whether young or old, new or mature, FAC is a healthy and safe place to be!
We are part of a larger group (an “alliance”) of churches called the Christian and Missionary Alliance that has churches across the country and around the world. Our churches emphasize living the life Jesus wants for us and sharing that dynamic and life changing news with others. Yes, we have some core beliefs and values about God and the Bible that guide us on our journey to know God. If you have any questions about FAC drop us a note or call 384-4279.
We think FAC is a pretty special place. If you are looking for a local community church to learn, grow, and even serve, give us a visit!
Our Church Motto: Believing, Belonging, Becoming
We believe the Bible teaches that God loves and longs for us, Jesus died and lives for us, and the Holy Spirit empowers and transforms us into the wholeness of God’s image and His best for us.
We belong to each other and although broken and wounded people we are learning to practice unconditional love and redemptive forgiveness, especially when it’s difficult.
We are becoming God’s people and shining lights to a hurting community and lost world through confidence in God, a daily yielding to his will, and a resilient commitment to each other even when we are not at our best and least deserve it.
Our Church Logo: What does it mean?
In different places you may see this logo, which is the official symbol of our church and our parent organization and denomination, The Christian and Missionary Alliance. The cross, pitcher, laver and crown are the four symbols that join to illustrate the central theme in C&MA, that is: Jesus Christ is our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King. Theglobe represents our mission in the world.
The CROSS: Christ Our Savior
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to man by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12 ). We believe Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures . . . that we are redeemed through His precious blood, justified by His death and Resurrection, made righteous through His righteousness, and accepted in His name.
The LAVER*: Christ Our Sanctifier
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness” (2 Peter 1:3). Holiness is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself–so dwelling in our hearts and so walking in our steps that we shall live like Him. This can never be in a sense that will minister to our own pride or self-sufficiency, for before we can receive it, we must come to the end of ourselves and never become self-sufficient apart from Christ. Such holiness means living a life of simple dependence, moment by moment, on Christ alone. Note: The laver symbol represents a vessel used in the temple of the Old Testament. The priest used it to wash his feet before entering the Holy Place. It signifies the daily cleansing from sin by the power of the Holy Spirit.
* the “laver” looks here like a large goblet, is actually a large basin that would hold water to wash hands upon entering the temple
The PITCHER: Christ Our Healer
“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up” (James 5:15 ). The Lord Jesus has purchased and provided for His believing and obedient children physical strength, life, and healing as freely as the spiritual blessings of the gospel. He took up our infirmities as well as our sins, and from His risen life and living touch, our faith may draw health and strength until our life work is done. Note: This symbol represents a pitcher containing oil to anoint the sick for healing that comes through obedience to God’s Word.
The CROWN: Christ Our Coming King
“You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven” (Mark 14:62 ). The Lord Jesus is coming personally to this earth again. It is not a mere spiritual coming, either at death or in a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit, or in the spread of the gospel throughout the world; but it is the coming of the Lord Himself as literally and personally as when He went away.
The GLOBE: Completing Christ’s Commission
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14 ). The globe adds a new dimension to the long-familiar official logo of the C&MA. The four Christ-centered symbols speak of God’s gift of love to all peoples of every generation. They represent what Christ gives of Himself to His people so that He may present them to the Father without fault and with great joy. Now we give because He gave. The globe represents our mission in the world. “Freely you have received, freely give,” the Lord urged His followers as He sent them to spread the Good News throughout the land. That appeal from His heart to ours will continue until the gospel, through the efforts of His Church, has reached all peoples, and He comes again.